
I'm Alexa Supernova. I'm 5'3", 115 pounds and I'm fighting out of Las Vegas, Nevada.

I'm Tristan "Mr. Twisted". I'm 143 pounds, 5'11" and I'm fighting out of Las Vegas, Nevada.

This is my second match with Mixed Wrestling and they gave me another skinny dude this time.

So, it looks like I'm going to take him down.

I have a little bit of wrestling background so I'll be able to take this *********** down like nothing.

コメントを投稿するには、 または してください
jesseerlam 2年前
MarkKerzman 3年前
Im März war ich nur einmal mit Inga im Ring, heute von einer Woche habe ich endlich mal gewonnen, in der 12. Minute gelang es mir, meinen Ständer sicher in ihrem Arschloch zu verankern und sie mit beiden Beinen zu pinnen. Sie meinte dann, ich soll einfach in ihrem Arsch verharren. Naja, ich fickte sie gründlich durch und hinterlegte ihr hinten eine volle Ladung twinksyrup. Hätte gern noch weitergefickt, aber wir mußten den Ring verlassen, weil unser Thaibuddy Phutt und meine Schwester Tiffany an der Reihe waren.
MarkKerzman 3年前
I had to fight my cousin Inga for the second time this month, and lost again. Hawaiian Evolved Wrestling rules dictate that blokes should be hard for at least 10 minutes for each 15-minutes round (no problem), all fight naked from the get-go (we are a nudie family, so we wouldn’t do it any other way), and the chick wins if the guy can’t manage to screw his boner securely into her asshole, within those 15 minutes. I was able to enter Inga’s asshole three times, but she broke loose within seconds (the minimum length of stay is ten seconds), so she won again; I analed and fucked her afterwards, though, with everyone in the audience applauding. (as of two months ago).
tomcat_51 4年前
Would like to fuck this asshole too
1234pink 4年前
do visit hongkong one day as my guest to real meet and share funs 
Squirtbox69 5年前
Love to fuck her ass. Perfect petite. Fill her up good!
xcitu 5年前
Im sure her sweaty pussy smelled amazing.
diapol 5年前
came here for the choking in the thumbnail, was not disappointed
bigyello 5年前
I ike Alexa. She gets just as hot and horny when she loses as when she wins. Those stiff nipples don't lie.
Amorpimmel 5年前
got a hard cock watching